Gifts to the School in the form of legacies and bequests are a vital source of support. No matter how small or large, a legacy gift to Milton Abbey is a gift that will endure and is a positive commitment to the future. The 1954 Society has been set up to acknowledge those who have pledged to leave a legacy gift to the School.
As a 'young' school, we have no financial endowment. Legacy gifts can help build an endowment to ensure the future security and prosperity of the School. In addition, such gifts can be used to fund long-term priorities such as the Bursary Programme, which will ensure more boys and girls have the opportunity to benefit from all that a Milton Abbey education can offer.
For further information about leaving a Legacy Donation, please speak to our Accounts Team.
Donors are able to claim tax relief on the current value of publicly quoted shares if they are donating to a charity, in addition to the shares being exempt from capital gains tax liability, which makes such gifts extremely tax-efficient.
For more information about how this would apply to your individual circumstances, please visit
HM Revenue and Customs online.
Gifts in kind, such as printing services, venues and catering can help Milton Abbey School to keep its overheads low. If you think you might be able to help in this way please contact us using the details at the bottom of this page.