
Milton Abbey School's policies are available to download on this page.  

In line with Independent Schools Inspectorate requirements, we must make some information available to parents and prospective parents. That statutory information is as follows:
  1. Admissions Policy
  2. Health and Safety Policy and First Aid Policy
  3. Behaviour Policy
  4. Curriculum, SEN and EAL Policies
  5. Anti-bullying Policy
  6. Complaints Policy (including number of complaints in the previous year) & Boarders' Complaints Policy (written for our boarding pupils)
  7. Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct
  8. Statement of School Aims
  9. Previous Inspection Reports
  10. Chairman of Governor information and correspondence address
  11. The preceding academic year’s public exam results

Items 1 to 10 are available on the School’s website, either as downloads or linked pages. The other documents are available to read at the School or can be sent to you on request. 

In addition to those policies that we must publish, we also make available a number of other documents that may be useful. Please see this full list in the Downloads box.

If you require any of these policies or any other information in alternative form such as braille, large print or hard copy please contact communications@miltonabbey.co.uk.