Welcome > School Ethos & Aims

Our ethos, aims and expectations


Milton Abbey provides a transformational and inclusive learning environment in which every child is known, noticed and nurtured.
Milton Abbey is a co-educational senior boarding school with a small number of fully integrated day pupils. We are small by choice, to enable extraordinary focus on the holistic development of each individual.
Wellbeing underpins optimal development and achievement in all areas. We work together to create a healthy, happy, safe environment for all.
Kindness, self-respect and respect for others are central to our community.
We balance support and challenge to ensure all students can experience success, through effort, whatever their starting point.
We are committed to removing barriers to learning and equipping students with the strategies they need to succeed.
In our high challenge, moderate pressure environment, ‘personal best’ is the target in every aspect of performance. 
Effort, courage and commitment are actively encouraged and celebrated. We value all kinds of intelligence and achievement equally, providing opportunities for all to participate and succeed, in and beyond the classroom.
We prepare our students to take on the challenges of 21st Century life.
Working in active partnership with our parents, we build character and confidence in our young people.
Milton Abbey School celebrates diversity and is committed to achieving equality for all. Those of all faiths and none are equally welcome in our community. The Abbey is central to our school life. Community worship is in the tradition of the Church of England.

Aims and expectations:

Milton Abbey works to be a community in which each individual is known, understood and respected and in which:
  • kindness is central
  • diversity and difference are celebrated
  • all stand up for what they know to be right 
We work to make school a healthy, safe and positive experience for all, prioritising:
  • wellbeing
  • joy in learning
  • success, in and beyond the classroom 
We remove barriers to learning:
  • our focus is always on ‘personal best’
  • challenge is high and pressure is moderate
  • we build self-belief and ambition 
We develop confidence by providing you with:
  • the broadest possible choice of courses of study
  • opportunities and experiences designed to build competence and confidence
  • mentoring including personalized targets and goals 
Your teachers and house team will provide the ideal balance of support and challenge; they will:
  • know and care for you as an individual
  • understand and respond to your learning needs
  • expect, encourage and celebrate effort 
We will teach you how to how to take control of your life and learning, ensuring you:
  • understand and meet community expectations
  • have the tools and strategies you need to regulate yourself and to access any help you need
  • find enthusiasm, direction and purpose 
Working in partnership with you and your family,
Milton Abbey aims to send you into the world ready and able to make a difference:
  • knowing and understanding yourself
  • able to connect with others and make a positive contribution
  • irresistibly employable and a pleasure to know 
We will respect you. We expect you to respect yourself and others and to:
  • make kindness your cornerstone
  • contribute, participate, challenge yourself
  • give of your best in all that you do