“Design and making opportunities, combined with the knowledge that can offer a springboard into the creative industries.” James Ratcliffe | Head of Department
Design is essential! It shapes almost every aspect of the world we live in. Studying Design and Technology allows students to develop their creative and aesthetic awareness, alongside allowing them to gain skills and knowledge about manufacturing processes and materials. This BTEC Level 3 course combines practical workshop time, with research and theoretical understanding.
Skills & Knowledge Developed
•Exploration of the processes and practices of design and manufacturing
•Development of research skills and market awareness
•Development of strong technical skills
•Aesthetic and creative awareness
•Problem solving

“The creative subjects encourage self-discipline, confidence and emotional intelligence.” Sara Burton | Head of Department
GCSE pupils can study from the Art, Craft & Design, or Fine Art course specifications. Topics explored can include; natural form, landscape, the built environment, human form, animals and ethnographic Art.
A-Level students can choose from 'Art, Craft and Design' and 'Lens and Light-based Media'. The course encourages students to develop their creative practice through the development of practical skills, alongside investigative and analytical work. The different aspects of the course encourage them to learn to understand the role and function of art and design in contemporary life and culture.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes and practices of art and design
•Development of research and critical skills
•Development of strong technical skills
•Aesthetic and cultural awareness
•Creativity and idea development

Why does disease spread across the world and how do we stop it? How did humans evolve from monkeys? Why did I inherit my father’s ears but not his nose? If you have ever pondered these questions then you are already thinking like a biologist. Biology is the study of living things and with issues such as GM technology and climate change becoming increasingly prominent, there has never been a better time to study it.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of biological processes and systems
•Knowledge and use of key apparatus and practical techniques
•Development of analytical and evaluative skills
•Subject specific technical knowledge
•Mathematical analysis skills

Chemistry lies at the heart of the modern world; from the way that we produce and process our food, to the development of new materials, to the manufacture of the drugs that prolong our lives. It is chemistry that will help us to solve the problems facing all of our lives; from global warming to material shortages. The study of this subject at A-Level provides students not only with a glimpse into the underpinnings of the modern work, but also gives them valuable laboratory and analytical skills.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of organic, inorganic and physical Chemistry.
•Knowledge and use of key apparatus and practical techniques
•Development of analytical and evaluative skills
•Subject specific technical knowledge
•Mathematical analysis skills

The foundations of the world we live in were lain in the ancient worlds of Greece and Rome. From art, culture and politics, to ideas of power, leadership and heroism, the classical world continues to exert a powerful influence on our lives. This course explores classical literature in works by Homer and Virgil, the development of theatre and art, the rise of the imperial ideal, as well as issues around politics and democracy. If you want to understand modernity, then you must first understand antiquity.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of classical art, politics and history
•Development of research and analytical skills
•Development of subject-specific technical knowledge
•Critical thinking and debating skills
“Making best use of our outstanding rural location and facilities, and working with business, we deliver an interesting and broad course.” Elisabeth Carr | Director of Land-Based Studies
Pupils will develop their skills and knowledge through hands-on learning, inside and outside the classroom. There are three main modules of 'Animal & Plant Husbandry', 'Estate Maintenance' and 'Conservation of British Habitats'.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils develop knowledge of a diverse range of rural and countryside topics, such as a broad knowledge of different habitats and practical construction skills
•We have great links with rural businesses, enabling fascinating visits and practical assignments
•As well as in-depth subject-specific skills, pupils will develop transferable skills in teamwork, effective communication, report writing, and visual and verbal presentation skills
“Making best use of our outstanding rural location and facilities, and working with business, we deliver an interesting and broad course.” Elisabeth Carr | Director of Land-Based Studies
The ideal subject for study in a rural environment, such as that found in Dorset. The course takes an informed and practical approach to learning; giving students the opportunity to gain practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge of the issues facing the rural economy. From the use of firearms in land-based industries, to greenwood crafts, to conservation management, this is a course which is plugged directly into the countryside around us.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the issues and knowledge that inform the land-based industries
•Development of key practical skills
•Development of strong subject-based knowledge
•Development of time management skills
“Building the theoretical and practical skills to work within one of the UK’s most exciting and booming industries.” Angela Giesens | Director of Digital Learning & Subject Teacher
As well as gaining a theoretical understanding of different media industries, pupils will build up a portfolio of production work in different formats. The three components of the course are 'Exploring Media Products', 'Developing Digital Media Production Skills', and 'Creating Media in Response to a Brief'.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•The course gives pupils the chance to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a well-equipped creative studio, plus learn relevant theory and processes
•They will develop aptitude in creative media production, including developing an idea, production, and post-production
•They will learn processes that underpin the industry, such as responding to briefs, project planning and seeking feedback
•They will develop transferable skills, such as time management and communication
“Design and making opportunities, combined with the knowledge that can offer a springboard into the creative industries.” James Ratcliffe | Head of Department
A range of 'design and make' assignments are completed through the Fourth Form, readying pupils for their GCSE assessments during the Fifth Form.
Skills & Knowledge Developed
•The course gives pupils the chance to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a well-equipped creative studio, plus learn relevant theory and processes
•They will develop aptitude in creative media production, including developing an idea, production, and post-production
•They will learn processes that underpin the industry, such as responding to briefs, project planning and seeking feedback
•They will develop transferable skills, such as time management and communication
“Building the theoretical and practical skills to work within one of the UK’s most exciting and booming industries.” Angela Giesens | Director of Digital Learning & Subject Teacher
In a digital world, everybody needs content. All industries need visual and written materials that can communicate their product and identity to their current and potential customers. This course teaches students a range of industry-specific skills including web design and layout, producing written copy and digital image manipulation. Whether you want to communicate information or market a product, effective digital content is a vital component in the modern marketplace.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of web and digital design features and their impact
•Development of practical production skills using industry-standard software
•Knowledge of different techniques used to convey ideas and influence people
•Development of time management skills

“Drama is serious fun. It develops essential life skills: self-confidence, teamwork, resilience, initiative, imagination and empathy.” Liz Bemment | Head of Department
Lower School pupils will research and explore a stimulus, to create a group dramatic piece. They must prepare and present a monologue, plus a group scene, from a scripted play. They will explore and critique a live professional theatre production. They can also focus on design rather than performance for their GCSE exam, choosing from lighting, sound, costume or make up. This is route into Theatre Design or Fashion.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will develop the practical skills needed in drama, balanced with the theoretical knowledge to understand and analyse scripts and live performances
•They will get to exercise and develop their imaginations
•Drama provides the skillset and opportunity to explore the world young people are growing up in, and the nature of human relationships, through dramatic performance
BTEC Performing Arts is a course for Sixth Formers more serious about becomiong an actor. It helps students to develop their acting skills in a directly practical way in preparation for a career treading the boards. The course offers students the opportunity to investigate and take part in a wide range of performance areas; including musical theatre, theatre for children, and film and TV acting. Students are also equipped with the knowledge they need to be successful in the industry, from how to be successful at audition, to marketing and promotion.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the issues and knowledge that inform the performing arts
•Development of key practical skills
•Development of strong subject-based knowledge
•Development of time management skills

Economics is rooted in the study of how people behave and interact with one another. Students study the dynamics between consumers, businesses, governments and the finance markets. They learn to understand how these factors influence employment, prices, international trade and the wealth/poverty divide. The subject draws on high levels of literacy and numeracy and teaches students to synthesise a wide range of types of information.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes that influence financial markets
•Development of analytical and research skills
•Development of strong technical knowledge
•Ability to interrogate technical data
•Information synthesis

“Pupils can only access other subjects by being able to read, write and talk effectively, overcoming any language barriers they have.” Karen Baney | Head of Department
All pupils study for their English Language GCSE, ensuring they have the best chance of obtaining this important qualification. Pupils will study a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, develop reading comprehension and analytical skills, write their own fiction and non-fiction pieces, and demonstrate spoken language skills. Some pupils may study a Functional Skills course before sitting their full GCSE.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will be able to read fluently and understand a wide range of texts
•They should be able to critically analyse a text, using this to improve their writing
•Pupils will be able to write effectively using Standard English and correct grammar, punctuation and spelling
•They should acquire a wide vocabulary
•They must also be able to understand and use spoken Standard English effectively
“We want pupils to enjoy stories, language and ideas, appreciate our wider cultural heritage and understand our great writers.” Karen Baney | Head of Department
English Literature is fundamentally concerned with how we think, feel and respond to the world around us.
Top set Lower School pupils will study both English Language and English Literature, resulting in two full GCSEs. In addition to the English Language areas, pupils study a wider range of literature, analysing contexts and writers' intentions.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will read a wide range of classic literature, with good understanding, considering context and making connections across texts
•They will read material in-depth, being able to critique and evaluate pieces
•They should develop the habit of reading widely and often
•They should appreciate the depth and power of English literary heritage
•They should be able to write accurately, effectively and analytically about their reading
Through the study of a range of texts that span the history of literary production,
Sixth Form students taking this A-Level will learn to see the world in new ways, encounter new ideas, and develop the ability to express themselves in an informed and fluent way. The course encourages wider reading and challenges students to question their preconceptions and cultural assumptions.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of literary texts, genres and ideas
•Development of research and textual analysis skills
•Development of strong technical knowledge
•Aesthetic and creative awareness
•Advanced writing and reading skills

Britain has an enviable record in producing world-beating entrepreneurs. To be successful in business you need creativity, tenacity, business acumen, and the ability to plan and implement well thought-out strategies.
This course provides students with these skills, as well as offering them the opportunity to start and run their own business. In an increasingly competitive world this course will equip students with the skills they need to be successful in business.
Students across the school also benefit from our
Entrepreneur in Residence scheme, which has seen a host of well-known businesspeople mentor our students and judge our annual entrepreneurship competition.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the issues and knowledge that inform business, marketing, and financial planning
•Development of key practical skills
•Development of strong subject-based knowledge
•Development of time management skills
This course gives students the opportunity to develop the practical and theoretical knowledge needed to start a career in the equine industry. The course exposes students to issues surrounding equine health and care, physiology and behaviour, the racing industry and equine business.
With two main programmes of study, the
Equitation option allows students to focus on riding, competition, and horse skills. The
Yard Management curriculum focuses on the running of a successful yard or equine business and does not require riding a horse.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the issues and knowledge that inform the equine industry and animal training and welfare
•Development of key practical skills
•Development of strong subject based knowledge
•Development of time management skills

The EPQ is a research project that can be tailored to suit individual interests and expertise.
Equivalent to half an A-Level, it allows students to develop their passions and learn a range of transferable research and project management skills. The project must be driven by the student and, rather than being actively taught, it is supported two hours a week by research seminars. Work can be extended writing or creative projects, or scientific explorations.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Advanced research skills
•Evaluative and interpretative skills
•Problem solving and idea development
•Extended specialist knowledge of project topic
•Project management skills
•High degree of independent learning

Fashion finds its way into almost every aspect of our lives and becomes a key part of our identity. From the pure expression of haute couture to the functionality of high street brands, it offers the opportunity for creativity and innovation. Studying Fashion Design allows students to develop their creative and aesthetic awareness and to gain the skills needed to create fashion products. The course combines practical workshop time with research and theoretical understanding.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes and practices of design and fashion production
•Development of research skills and market awareness
•Development of strong technical skills
•Aesthetic and creative awareness
•Problem solving
“Building the theoretical and practical skills to work within one of the UK’s most exciting and booming industries.” Angela Giesens | Director of Digital Learning & Subject Teacher
Film & TV Production offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of film editing, practical film-making and media content production. The digital arts and creative industries are one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK and beyond. This course prepares students with the skills and knowledge to enter this thriving and dynamic industry. Students will get the opportunity to plan, film and edit a number of film products, as well as developing industry knowhow.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes and practices of film production
•Development of research skills and market awareness
•Development of strong technical skills
•Aesthetic and creative awareness
•Problem solving

“The creative subjects encourage self-discipline, confidence and emotional intelligence.” Sara Burton | Head of Department
A-Level students choosing Fine Art are encouraged to develop their creative practice through the development of practical skills, alongside investigative and analytical work. The different aspects of the course encourage them to learn to understand the role and function of art and design in contemporary life and culture.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes and practices of art and design
•Development of research and critical skills
•Development of strong technical skills
•Aesthetic and cultural awareness
•Creativity and idea development
“Nelson Mandela said: ‘Talk to a man in a language he understands and it goes to his head. Talk to him in his own language and it goes to his heart.’” Emma Williams | Head of Department
Lower School pupils opting for French GCSE will carry on from the same series of learning materials used in the Third Form. They will study eight modules covering different aspects of practical French, such as education, travel and employment.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will be encouraged to take on even more personal responsibility for their learning of, and practice of, French
•There will be compulsory speaking and listening sessions, including delivering a presentation on a subject
•Written foreign language skills are also becoming increasingly important due to the use of online communications
•Pupils will also gain an appreciation of French culture and the language within it; through activities, literature and films
In the Sixth Form, French is a popular choice for linguists who want to continue with a language – France is our nearest neighbour and French is spoken in many parts of the world, including Africa and Canada. The course develops spoken and written language skills alongside a new appreciation of the cultural context within which the language exists; including film, literature and contemporary social issues. Foreign languages are an increasingly valuable commodity in today’s world.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of cultural topics and themes
•Development of written and spoken language skills
•Development of technical and grammatical knowledge
•Access new ways of seeing and understanding the world
“Studying Geography will help you better understand the world’s people, places and environments – from the local to the worldwide.” Torie Morley | Head of Department
GCSE Geography is taught over two years, with broader topics covered first and more complex areas explored nearer the exams. Modules covered are 'living in the physical environment', 'challenges in the human environment' and practical geography applications and skills.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will develop their knowledge of locations, places, environments and processes - at different geographical scales - in within different social, political and cultural contexts
•They will gain understanding of the interactions between people and environments
•They will also gain practical geographic skills in fieldwork, such as using maps
•They will learn how to apply their skills and knowledge to real world scenarios
A-Level Geography encompasses topics from both the human and the physical environment. The course gives students specialist knowledge and helps them to develop evaluative skills, alongside statistical analysis and technical knowledge. Students will learn about a range of contemporary issues on a global and a local scale, and see how they impact on our physical environment and how we live our lives.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes that shape human and natural environments
•Development of research skills and report writing abilities
•Development of strong technical knowledge
•Awareness of key global issues

“Pupils studying History develop a sense of curiosity about the past, and learn to appreciate its striking relevance to the present.” James Watson | Head of Department
The GCSE syllabus focuses on 20th Century history, as this is accessible and relatable to the present. Topics covered include 'The inter-war years', 'Germany between 1918 and 1945' and 'The Cold War'.
Knowledge & Skills developed
•Exploration of key periods in British and European history
•Development of research skills and critical thinking
•Development of subject-specific technical knowledge
•Critical and analytical writing skills
Sixth Formers study the people, events and decisions that have shaped Britain, Europe, and the world. Through interrogation of primary sources and critical materials about different periods in history, students develop an appreciation of the forces that have shaped our world, and the attitudes and beliefs that inform decision making. The course fosters analytical and research skills, as well the ability to write clearly and concisely.
Knowledge & Skills developed
•Exploration of key periods in British and European history
•Development of research skills and critical thinking
•Development of subject-specific technical knowledge
•Critical and analytical writing skills

History of Art helps students to understand different cultures and epochs through the study of Western architecture, painting and sculpture. Students are encouraged to develop an understanding of cultural heritage and how it has developed, from the classical period right up to the modern day. The course combines technical knowledge with analytical and interpretative skill development.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of different periods in Western artistic culture
•Development of research and analytical skills
•Development of strong technical knowledge
•Increased awareness of historical, socio-political and cultural contexts
“Learn about the care of horses and ponies using school equestrian facilities, while also building links with local equine businesses.” Elisabeth Carr | Director of Land-Based Studies
Pupils will develop their skills and knowledge through hands-on learning, inside the classroom, in the stables and on the school farm. There are four main modules of 'Feeding and Watering Horses', 'Fitting Horse Tack and Equipment', 'Horse Handling and Care of the Competition Horse'.
Livery is available if needed, but there is no requirement for pupils to be able to ride or to have a horse stabled at school
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils develop an in-depth knowledge of equine topics, such as the daily care of horses, their physiology and preparing them for ridden exercise
•As well as subject-specific skills, pupils will develop transferable skills in teamwork, effective communication, report writing, and visual and verbal presentation skills
“These courses develop practical skills in food service and cookery, while building a broad knowledge of the hospitality industry.” Leonie Monaghan | Head of Department
Hospitality is one of the major growth industries both in the UK and internationally, having grown by 14% since 2004.
Lower School pupils will develop their skills and knowledge through hands-on learning, inside the classroom and the kitchen. The modules studied are 'Introducing Hospitality', 'Planning, Preparing, Cooking & Finishing Food', 'Food Safety and Health & Safety', 'Working in Hospitality'.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Over the two years, pupils study a balance of theoretical topics alongside developing practical skills
•In year one, they cook once a week, host an event for invited guests, investigate the hospitality industry and sit a written exam
•In year two, they develop advanced team-working skills to work in hospitality, carry out service at school events and continue building their theoretical knowledge
The Sixth Form course equips students with the skills they will need to be successful in all areas of this complex and exciting industry. From business awareness, to cooking skills, to event management skills; students will be expected to hone their skills through practical assignments and theoretical understanding. Students also get the opportunity to work on major school events.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the issues and knowledge that inform the hospitality and events industry
•Development of key practical skills
•Development of strong subject-based knowledge
•Development of time management skills

“Maths is the study of the world through numbers, statistics and algebra. It opens doors to opportunities in many different areas.” Nicola Burg | Head of Department
Maths is an essential and
compulsory subject at GCSE, as it has so many applications in other subjects and the wider world. The syllabus we follow develops mathematical knowledge as a key life skill, providing excellent progression to A-Level study and practical use after school.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Develop pupils' knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques
•Allow them to acquire a foundation of mathematical skills for further study in the subject or related areas
•Pupils should enjoy applying mathematical techniques and concepts, using them to solve problems
•They will appreciate the importance of maths in society, employment and study
Sixth Form students will discover that Maths is a language all of its own, which can be used to communicate with people all over the world – it is perhaps the only truly universal language. It helps explain almost every aspect of the world around us and underpins some aspect of nearly all other subjects. It also poses questions of its own about the nature of reason and logic, and asks us to consider the true nature of the world around us. It also provides answers to problems and drives the modern word.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of mathematical processes
•Development of logic and process skills
•Development of subject-specific technical knowledge
•Data manipulation skills
•Problem solving
The Lower School BTEC Level 2 course allows you to engage with the music industry, developing a range of practical and technical skills. There are three compulsory modules on 'Exploring Music Products & Styles', 'Music Skills Development' and 'Responding to a Commercial Music Brief'.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will learn about the music industry, product development and events management in the compulsory modules
•As a practical introduction to life and work in the industry, students will develop transferrable skills including teamwork, leadership and communication; develop and perform music to a brief, and analyse, evaluate and enhance their work
The BTEC Level 3 course offers Sixth Form students the opportunity to learn about the music industry, as well as honing their skills as a performer. Students will be expected to develop their performance skills through regular recitals and concerts, as well as gaining an awareness of the skills and knowledge required by professional musicians. The course includes practical work on composition and improvisation, and builds knowledge of promotion and the broader industry.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the issues and knowledge that inform professional music practice
•Development of key practical skills
•Development of strong subject-based knowledge
•Development of time management skills#
As a further option at Sixth Form, we offer the Music Technology BTEC Extended Certificate, alongside the full Music BTEC or as a single option that can be combined with two different subjects. This course gives students the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the music industry. They will develop their practical and aural discrimination skills, as well as learning a range of technical skills necessary for recording and creating music. Students learn to use mixing and production software, as well as sequencers and virtual synthesizers. There is also the opportunity to learn about different styles of music and to understand how they work.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes and practices of music recording and production
•Knowledge of music styles and genres
•Development of subject-specific technical skills
•Aesthetic and creative awareness

“Photography is creation at your fingertips.” Polly Hughes | Subject Teacher
GCSE topics explored include; landscape, natural form, portariture, movement, documentary photography, experimental imagery and studio photography. The course will include experimental and mixed-media projects.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Knowledge and understanding of contemporary, historical, social and cultural contexts
•How ideas, themes, subjects and feelings can inspire creative responses
•The ways in which meanings, ideas and intentions can be communicated using photography
•Use photographic processes and techniques appropriately; for example, lighting, viewpoint, aperture and depth of field and shutter speed
•Use of appropriate media and materials such as film, camera equipment, darkroom processing, and digital image creation and editing
The A-Level course encourages students to develop their creative practice through the development of practical skills, alongside investigative and analytical work. The different aspects of the course encourage them to learn to understand the role and function of photography in contemporary life and culture.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the processes and practices of photography
•Development of research and critical skills
•Development of strong technical and software skills
•Aesthetic and cultural awareness
•Creativity and idea development

Physics is a subject of enormous breadth; from the macroscopic forces that underpin the lifecycles of stars and galaxies, to the microscopic ones which inform atoms and quantum particles. Physics underpins all other sciences and provides explanations for why the world and the universe work the way they do. Students get to explore these astonishing phenomena, as well as how our understanding of physics can be used in the everyday world.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of wave, particle and field mechanics, along with astrophysics and thermo-nuclear physics
•Knowledge and use of key apparatus and practical techniques
•Development of analytical and evaluative skills
•Subject-specific technical knowledge
•Mathematical analysis skills

Psychology investigates the operation of our minds; considering how we think, what informs our decision-making processes, and how our mental make-up shapes our perception of the world. The course introduces students to the scientific theories and methods that underpin the subject, and allows them to learn about both the social and biological forces that shape our thoughts and emotions.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of memory, attachment functions, cognition and perception, and biopsychology
•Knowledge and use of key theories and research techniques
•Development of analytical and evaluative skills
•Subject-specific technical knowledge
•Mathematical analysis skills

“Our courses allow students to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics to their desired level of detail, encouraging interest and enthusiasm.” Nick Anderson | Head of Department
Students will study either Core (with Learning Support) or Combined courses. All courses will take up two option blocks in the timetable. The choice of course will be determined by prior attainment, learning profile and assessment.
Students who require additional support for their learning will study the single
Core Science qualification, in tandem with timetabled Learning Support lessons. Core Science covers topics across all three sciences and results in one GCSE award.
Students who are more comfortable studying Science will complete the double
Combined Science course. This also covers topics across all three sciences but results in two full GCSEs awards and enables access to study any of the three sciences at A-Level.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils' skills are developed and knowledge is extended through a range of practical and engaging topic investigations
•They will develop their analytical and logic skills, being expected to apply the correct scientific concepts and principles in a range of situations
•They will develop broad knowledge of key Biology, Chemistry and Physics concepts

“Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, so don’t hesitate to learn a subject you will find useful in the 21st Century.” Charlotte Ogle | Head of Department
Lower School pupils opting for Spanish GCSE will carry on from the same series of learning materials used in the Third Form. They will study eight modules covering different aspects of practical Spanish, such as education, travel and employment.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will be encouraged to take on even more personal responsibility for their learning of, and practice of, Spanish
•There will be compulsory speaking and listening sessions, including delivering a presentation on a subject
•Written foreign language skills are also becoming increasingly important due to the use of online communications
•Pupils will also gain an appreciation of Spanish culture and the language within it; through activities, literature and films
There has never been a better time to study
Spanish in the Sixth Form. Second only to Mandarin Chinese, almost half a billion people speak Spanish. A-Level Spanish helps students develop confidence in the language, as well as building knowledge and awareness of some of the vibrant Spanish speaking cultures around the world. The course addresses technical language issues as well as cultural material such as film, literature and contemporary social issues.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of cultural topics and themes
•Development of written and spoken language skills
•Development of technical and grammatical knowledge
•Access to new ways of seeing and understanding the world

“Playing, watching or coaching – sport always brings people together. Our courses will open up all the opportunities that sport has to offer.” Sam Drewitt | Head of Department
In the Lower School, the BTEC Level 2 course will equip pupils with the theory, industry knowledge and practical skills to pursue further study or a career in the sports industry. Modules covered include 'Fitness', 'Practical Performance', 'The Mind & Sports Performance' and 'Leadership'.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Pupils will undertake a combination of theoretical lessons and practical sessions
•They will develop knowledge in broad areas such as fitness, sports psychology, practical performance and principles of training
•They will be encouraged to plan and lead sports activities for others, with an aim to encourage participation by all
•Valuable transferable skills will be gained, particularly in the leadership and motivation of individuals and teams
The BTEC Level 3 course for Sixth Formers puts the theory behind what happens on the pitch, allowing students to understand the requirements of training and development, and to put them into practice. The course looks at coaching and development, as well as sporting tactics and leadership. It also gives students valuable skills to train as coaches and fitness professionals. Alongside this, the course helps students to understand the issues facing sport, as well as how to manage risk.
Skills & Knowledge developed
•Exploration of the issues and knowledge that inform sport and the sports industry
•Development of key practical skills
•Development of strong subject-based knowledge
•Development of time management skills
You can learn more about our academic, competitive and extra-curricular sports offering elsewhere on this website.

These additional qualifications are available to all members of our Combined Cadet Force (CCF), with learning taking place and evidence gathered during co-curricular time. This is a real opportunity to enhance your CV when applying to university or for a job.
All Cadets who commit to at least one years’ service with the CCF will be eligible to undertake a Level 1 BTEC in Teamwork and Leadership. This qualification is based largely on activities completed during Cadet training and includes a bare minimum of written work to check knowledge. A Level 2 BTEC qualification is also available for more senior Cadets, who continue in the CCF beyond their initial year.
Finally, a Level 3 Institute of Leadership & Management qualification is available for Cadets who continue in the CCF during their time in Sixth Form. This higher-level qualification requires some extra assignment work and is strongly recommended for those considering a career in the military or other disciplined fields.