Admissions > School Uniform

School Uniform

All items of school uniform must be purchased from our authorised supplier, Schoolblazer Ltd. All items of clothing being brought into school must be named clearly, whether uniform or personal clothes.

Lower School pupils wear a set uniform, whereas Sixth Form students have more flexibility to wear appropriate smart attire of their choosing within our rules. Further information and a list of each uniform is available in the Downloads box on this page or by registering on the Schoolblazer site.

Schoolblazer Ltd can be contacted directly with any questions or queries you may have:

Helpline:  0333 7000 703

We also run a Second Hand Uniform Shop, which can provide excllent quality items that have often been worn for a short period of time by their previous owner. Details of this are on the PDF in the Download box. All proceeds from second hand uniform sales will support the PTA to hold events for the parent and wider school community.